Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Flames of Fire poster shoot


This week on I heart faces is from a distance and I have to say this is one of my favorite photos! ! My husband and I have a team called the Flames of Fire it is a Christian performance team, that does shows with swords and brick breaking and a message . the purpose of our team is to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves! in doing this we do shows to raise funds to feed the hungry kids! It is a awesome way to teach our kids that even though they are young they to can make a differnce in this world! and they train right along side of their Dad. so to make a really long story short we where at the beach and I really wanted some neat pictures for posters for the team and this is one of the shots I took thought it turned out cool so I am sharing it with everyone!


  1. Wow! What a fantastic picture. GREAT job!

  2. That is quite a striking shot---the silhouette is the perfect complement to the saturated color and the texture of the watery reflection....Wow!!!!
