Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I heart faces weekly challange

This week on IHF's the challenge is white and I was thinking white I dont have anything white.. Then it hit me HELLO! I just did a trash the dress and we used wedding dress's so I have white LOL this was such a fun shoot I cant wait to do it agian!..

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Every girls 1st love should be a horse... :O)

Kiana has wanted a horse for a long long time!! and God knew the desires of her heart and placed it on someones heart to bless her with a FREE horse!! How amazingly awesome is that!! It was so neat to see how God answers prayers!! here are a few  unposed pics cause who wants to take time to pose when  your  new best friend has just arrived.

errrr hummm I would love to have a horse to!! LOL!!:O)