Hi my name is Mindee Green I am a 33 yr. old Artist. I am always looking to create art in some form or another.. It is my heart’s desire to make a difference in this world! and give as much as I can. I just want to capture and show the beautiful things God created and share them with a busy world who doesn’t have time to stop and look at the amazing things around us!! Anyways thank you for stopping by and seeing my creations hope you have a amazingly blessed day!!
so I have to let you guys in on some of the big changes I am making with my business! first and formost I am going non profit. a huge portion of what I make will go to feed hungry kids! I am on a mission to find and adopt and orphanage of my own so I can share pictures with you guys so you will be able to see what a differnce you guys are making when you have pictures done with me! I went out on a limb and asked on our local pages if anyone had any head bands tutus cute hats bean bags saddle or any kind of props you can fit a baby in they would like to donate to my business to help me help make a differnce. a a few women stepped forward and offerd to help! I cryed! Through their kindess I am closer to reaching my dream and that simply is just to make a differnce in this world! I cannot thank them enough for the kindness they have shown! I sat last night and bawled my eyes out looking at all the differnt orphanges that had been suggested to me! How can I only help one! when so many are in need!!! It breaks my heart!!! Anyways I just want to thank all of you who have sttod by me and supported my page just by continueing to like it! You guys are truly treasure and I cherise eveyone of you!! Also if their is anyone else out there who would also like to make a donation and be apart of this new Journy please message me! in all this I cant thank everyone enough! and I will leave you with the chorus of my Theme song LOL!
Send it on
On and on
Just one hand can heal another
Be a part
Reach a Heart
Just one spark starts a fire
With one little action
The chain reaction will never stop
Make it Strong
Shine a Light and Send It On
Send it on
Oh Send it on