I want to create more of art pieces not something you see everyday. I am a mold breaker LOL! I don't want to stick to ISO and Aperture settings and do things by the book. .(gasp)....( for other professional photographers inserted here..) because I feel Like I am boxing myself in and only doing what the book says I should do. and to me that is like saying the world is flat and ends right here.. When the truth of it is there is a whole new world just beyond what you see..Who figured out those perfect ISO and Aperture settings?? someone learned them through trial and error I am assuming.. I over edit on purpose! (I will gasp for the ones who don't believe in painting your pictures)...:). sometimes I leave things in their natural form.. But not very often...For me Photography is art..
(ART noun/ärt/
1.The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.)
I also paint and draw..So for me I strive to make my pictures....... well not just pictures.. I want my pictures to be art pieces.... Something someone will hopefully treasure and value and not be thrown out in next years yard sell... It just makes me sad that their are so many professionals that will criticize you because you are doing it differently..
(crit·i·cize verb /ˈkritəˌsīz/
Indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way
Form and express a sophisticated judgment of (a literary or artistic work)
Ordinary is a trend...
or·di·nar·y adjective/ˈôrdnˌerē/
1.With no special or distinctive features; normal
I don't want to be part of the trend! But honestly what makes my way wrong and their way right??
Who says you can't over edit??? Who made the rule to much color is wrong?? and if you feel that you have the authority to judge these things who gave you the license to define what art is???
( Not trying to be harsh by any means just curious) It's almost as if Photographers who are making it big and even some who are still finding their niche :O) have made a law of it and if you don't abide by the law you are exiled or earn the lovely label of a faux-tog...
God used lots of vibrant color its all around us :O) What would happen if he would have stuck to a set style?? How ordinary would our world be?? I am finding in this business you have to fight to be yourself and have the freedom to express what is in you.
Being different and doing things against the grain is not well accepted. and the lack of acceptance comes 98% from other photographers. I hope and pray I never fall into the place where I put other photographers down because they are doing something differently then I am doing. I aspire to be different! :O) . and think everyone should find their OWN style and way of doing things.. That is what will define you and separate you from the millions of other photographers out their. Be your own critic! don't allow the opinions of others to form and mold who you are! be your own you! and express yourself how ever you want! Remember its your own art! and if you want the contrast as high as it goes and the saturation completely off the scale. Then that is great because if you love it who has the authority to tell you not to love it??? So saying all this I am finding me in the freedom outside the box.. and my style is an expression of me some how or another. I put a piece of my heart in everything I do!.
So back to my question at the beginning.....
..... what am I?????
I am a ARTIST ❉◠‿◠ ( An artist is a person engaged in one or more of any of a broad spectrum of activities related to creating art, practicing the arts and/or demonstrating an art. )